A Smattering of Selenium #49
Here is the next 10 links as I play catch-up.
Here is the next 10 links as I play catch-up.
- First up is the Selenium Conf videos. There are only seven up currently, but as they are processed they will be posted
- Silicon Valley Continuous Integration Summit, April 7, 2011
- Virtual Hudson Build Environments – Part One, Part Two
- The second last paragraph of So you think you know automation? Part One is extremely important if you re doing automation. Which you likely are if you are reading this.
- Regression testing Reddit with Selenium Webdriver ruby bindings and Rspec is nice in that it uses a public site, with known behaviour and illustrates how to do stuff beyond just the classic Google search. There is a link to the code and to a video of the execution as well.
- As I mentioned in my ‘OMG I just had a complete energy crash’ talk at Selenium Conf, Se-IDE is starting to have a suite of Mozmills scripts thanks to Dave Hunt
- The watir-webdriver-performance gem seems pretty neat. We really need to figure out how how to some sort of compatibility worked out (or at least documented if it exists) between the things that build off of ‘selenium’ and those that use ‘watir’ — since they use the same backend these days anyways.
- Load testing GWT applications with Selenium 2 and Gradle ‘shows how to do a load test on a GWT application that runs in production mode’
- I get a niggling feeling there has to be a better way to Extending Selenium 2.0 / WebDriver to support Ajax but..
- Divide and Concur explains how Etsy chunk their Selenium scripts