A Smattering of Selenium #132
2.27.0 is now out which means you can close the browser tab that points to the old Firefox installers.
2.27.0 is now out which means you can close the browser tab that points to the old Firefox installers.
- Not Providing an HTML Page? Think of the Kittens! is important to remember. We want to fix your bugs. Help us help you!
- The HTML5 download attribute is another bit I am not looking forward to have to automate
- Refactoring to Improve Testability – what can I say? I like experiential posts
- Oh how it pains me to suggest that SikuliWebDriver looks mighty cool
- Page Visibility API Support in Opera 12.10. Again, not something I am looking forward to automating.
- Ruby script to change the desktop background periodically on Mac is just cool. And you will notice that even though they could have spun up a browser to do this, it wasn’t the right tool for the task. Consider that the next time you want to light up a browser.
- So what that it is over two months old, but PHPUnit 3.7 lists some relevant information about the release
- SeleniumScreenSnapper seems pretty clever. Almost steal worthy in fact
- Supercharging PHP MySQL applications using the best API is useful when testing your app in general, but also remember that if you are trusting what the browser is telling you and not verifying it with the database you are asking for a world of hurt