A Smattering of Selenium #90
Eventually I’ll get back on the once-a-week schedule.
Eventually I’ll get back on the once-a-week schedule. But not today!
- Falsehoods Programmers believe about Time. Time is hard; let’s go shopping!
- Speaking of hard. Concurrency is not Parallelism (it’s better) — also has gophers
- Did Netflix actually Open Source Army of Cloud Monkeys? I don’t see anything on their github account (and that is the trendy place to release stuff these days)
Need I say more?
- I’ve used this trick a couple times Python introspection – how to check current module / line of call from within function
- Ah-ha! PHP is not the only language with multiple bindings! webdry is a Python (jquery-inspired) wrapper for DRY:er access to the Selenium WebDriver.
- Integrating jQuery With Selenium talks about the js executor and using jquery instead of the browser’s native locator stuff. I’m not sure I would do this, but it seems like one of those things that people are want to do…
- I really don’t know the backstory to Record! Playback? #Fail but it is kinda amusing
- Checking as an enabler for testing will annoy some since it follows the ‘testing vs checking’ distinction, but is bang on.
- More reasons to go shopping! Pragmatic Unicode