TLC Meeting - March 2, 2022

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack.



titusfortner will give TLC folks access to the RubyGems, AutomatedTester will do the same for PyPI, diemol will do the same for SonaType, and jimevans will do the same for Nuget.

Each maintainer will check the docs for releasing.

Chrome 99 has been released

Each binding will do a release soon to include it.

Protocol Conversion

TLC members decided that Grid should start throwing warnings when protocol conversion is done, and if possible add a flag to toggle this behaviour. Then after two releases, we should start removing this. A blog post needs to be written about this to communicate the upcoming changes. Warnings and toggle could ideally land in 4.2.0 or 4.3.0.

Scroll Wheel support

Java is the only binding that does not have any scroll implementation. This needs to be added and then it can be released with the other bindings. Some bindings have a user friendly implementation and others is very basic, it can be released like that but we should iterate on making methods more frienly and also write docs about it.

HTMLRunner and stop releasing Selenium RC

We have decided to remove the HTMLRunner given that it is used to run tests created in the old Selenium IDE, and it is not supported anymore.

Selenium RC is not supported either but we still release it. We will stop releasing it and wait 6 months for community feedback, and if nothing relevant comes up, the code will be deleted.