TLC Meeting - May 25, 2022

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack.


  • Ticket Status
    • 82 open Issues
    • 26 outstanding PRs
  • CDP support
  • Membership Updates
  • PLC status update
  • Github permission updates
  • Selenium 4.2
  • Selenium 4.3: Remove deprecations release
  • SFC membership

CDP support

Support for v102 updated in all bindings and released

Membership Updates

No updates for this meeting

PLC status update

  • Chicago Conference status - Contract negotiations are underway with the Voca hotel in Chicago, CFP will be announced after CFP for India closes.
  • Conference Website - hasn’t been updated since White October ran it; working on it

Github permission updates

The proposal from previous meeting has been implemented.

Selenium 4.2

Outstanding items before release:

Selenium 4.3: Remove deprecations release

  • Deprecating IE? (Edge only?)
  • Remove deprecated JWP Python code
  • All the Python typing and style updates
  • Remove deprecated Java driver constructors (PR 10427)
  • Remove Protocol conversion code from Java/Grid — what is the best way
  • What to do this to minimise issues for users?

SFC membership

diemol mentioned the possibility of moving from SFC to the OpenJS foundation, there was no major discussion about it and the topic will be present for the next meeting.

Last modified August 2, 2022: Updating Bill's GitHub user (f63716e792)