TLC Meeting - September 14, 2022
Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc
channel on Selenium Slack.
- Ticket Status
- CDP support
- Membership Updates
- Proposals
- CI Health
- Selenium 4.5
- Projects Underway
- Backlog
TLC members present included:
Ticket Status
- 77 open Issues (6 fewer than last meeting)
- 18 outstanding PRs (1 more than last meeting)
- 11 PRs are Python (symonk is working on)
- 3 are Java (pujagani is working on)
- 2 are .NET (titusfortner is trying to figure out)
CDP support
v105 was added last week, but Selenium 4.5 hasn’t been released yet v106 is scheduled for September 27
Membership Updates
Added TamsilAmani as a Selenium triager based on his excellent work so far.
CI Health
- Ruby - passing
- Python - passing
- JS - intermittent issue with a before hook; passes locally
- Java - issue with Grid UI test; pujagani investigating it
Selenium 4.5
- Dev and Beta versions for Docker Containers
- CDP 105
- Firefox
In Progress:
- Java 11 client — (pujagani working on it)
- The fix for Low Concurrency Grid bug likely will not make it in to this release
- Select List for JS (TamsilAmani working on it)
- Examples of things (which requires a small revamp of documentation site) - (titusfortner working on it)
- Updated Changelogs (titusfortner working on it)
- Blog Post of changes (titusfortner working on it)
titusfortner proposed removing Expected Conditions classes from Python it was agreed not to do this.
Projects in Progress
- Selenium Manager — [bonigarcia] actively working on it; figuring out the Rust
- BiDi API work — pujagani hopes to have a proposal by the end of the week
- Python Type Hints - symonk making progress on this
- Implement JS with TypeScript (#10942) - harsha509 is working on this
- Comprehensive Documentation w/Examples - titusfortner & harsha509 making (slow) progress on this huge undertaking
List of items referenced:
- Add TouchActions API to Selenium (#10808)
- Add/fix Bazel support in .NET (#10465)
- Add .rbs files in Ruby (#10943)
- Comprehensive command logging across languages (#10944)
- Selenium + Appium consolidation
- Rewrite atoms in TypeScript
- Deprecate Java 8
- Python Async Rewrite
- .NET Async Rewrite
Last modified September 15, 2022: add meeting minutes for TLC meeting September 14 (2e31ce3539)