TLC Meeting - January 5, 2023

Meetings are happening on the #selenium-tlc channel on Selenium Slack. To add items to the agenda for the next meeting, please see our public Rolling Agenda

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 19 at 0700 Pacific / 1000 Eastern / 1500 UK / 1930 India.


TLC members present included:

Note: Due to holidays, this was mostly just a status update


  • Ticket Status
  • CDP support
  • Membership Updates
  • Proposals
  • CI Health
  • Selenium 4.7
  • Selenium 4.8
  • Projects Underway
  • Backlog

Ticket Status

  • 122 open Issues; last meeting: 123
  • 30 outstanding PRs; last meeting: 29

CDP support

  • v109 scheduled for release on January 10

Membership Updates


CI Health

  • Ruby has flaky issue with Firefox on Windows

Selenium 4.8

Milestone 4.8

We are hoping to release the week of January 9.

Only 2 outstanding issues currently:


List of Needs-Decision Issues

Projects in Progress

Last modified January 12, 2023: 2023 is not 2022 (45b37a42a5)