
Nesta seção você pode encontrar toda a documentação relacionada aos componentes legados do Selenium. Isso deve ser mantido puramente por razões históricas e não como um incentivo para o uso obsoleto componentes.

Most of the documentation found in this section is still in English. Please note we are not accepting pull requests to translate this content as translating documentation of legacy components does not add value to the community nor the project.

Selenium RC (Selenium 1)

The original version of Selenium

Selenium 2

Selenium 2 was a rewrite of Selenium 1 that was implemented with WebDriver code.

Selenium 3

Selenium 3 was the implementation of WebDriver without the Selenium RC Code. It has since been replaced with Selenium 4, which implements the W3C WebDriver specification.

Selenium IDE Legado

Última modificação June 27, 2023: Update docsy to 0.7.0 (#1401) (c1bc505f57)